PSHE education writer and consultant

I author, advise on, and support the development of high quality teaching resources for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education.

I work with commercial clients, charities, social impact agencies, local authorities and educational organisations.

I can help you create resources that will make a difference. I can work with you to ensure your resource supports school priorities and embed learning within a secure curriculum framework that makes sense for teachers and pupils.

I also offer support for PSHE education subject leaders in primary schools for planning the PSHE education curriculum.

Find out about my experience and expertise, and how my services can help you.

Client feedback

Resource review, writing and development:

‘Sally is fantastic to work with. She follows the brief and is very open with feedback, approaching the work with great insight and thought process behind each step of it.’

Dan Van Reyson, Account Manager, Hopscotch